Making a ivy topiary is one of the best times I have in my little potting shed. I make my own heart shaped form, but you can also buy topiary forms in just about any shape you can think of.
I use a heavy coat hanger and just cut off the hook with a pair of wire cutters. Then start shaping the wire into the heart shape, you may want to wear a pair of leather gloves for this. Your heart shape doesn't have to be perfect, after all it will be all covered.
Once the wire shape is done, find a nice pot you'll want your topiary to sit in. At your local nursery or variety store, find a 4" pot of ivy with the longest tendrils you can find. Transfer the plant into your nice pot, and carefully insert the heart frame. Begin to wind the ivy tendrils around the wire, not to tightly but close. Use plastic covered bread ties to hold the ends of the ivy in place. As the ivy grows, keep wrapping the frame. Give your topiary bright light and water when dry. Don't forget to fertilize during the growing months with a general all purpose mix. Hint: when selecting your ivy plant, only buy one with the small leaves, the larger leaf ivy is usually for outdoor use.
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