Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Little Cleaning Hint.....

One of the best parts about spring is being able to open the windows and let some fresh air into our homes. After awhile the very air in our houses begins to smell stale. Last week I finally was able to get outside to wash my windows, and boy did they need it. After all winter the glass was covered with dust, bug stuff (use your imagination here!) and water spots that were magnified by months of winter weather. Time to clean these guys.....

I love clean windows, I think the house just looks cleaner when the window glass is sparkling. Here's how I clean my windows, cheap and easy. First I take the screens off and wipe them down with an old piece of towel. Then I mix up a bucket of warm water with a 1/2 cup of ammonia. To really get the grime off the glass I wet the window and then wipe it with a piece of 0000 steel wool. This will remove water spots as well as all those other bits of grime. I wash the glass again and then dry with an old piece of tee shirt. Replace the screen and on to the next one. After you do both sides you'll be amazed at how nice the glass looks, a good start to your spring cleaning.

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