A Candy Wreath
This is one that you and the kids can create together and have alot of fun doing it. Start with a plain metal wreath form as it makes it easy to actually tie the candy on the form.
Buy hard candy that is wrapped in plastic, you can find candy now that has X-Mas prints on it. Tie a 5" piece of the thin ribbon to an end twist and then tie to the wreath frame. If you just tie a knot and leave long tails, you can use the edge of the scissors to curl the ribbon. Fill the form really full and attach a pair of scissors to cut a piece of candy off.
You could really personalize this wreath with toys, old X-mas cards cut into strips and strung together for a garland and then wrapped around the wreath or use gingerbread cookies with your kids names on them.
This is a fun wreath to make and take to your place of business so all your customers can leave with a piece of candy. Or how about making one to take to all those great people who work at your kids school, they all deserve a sweet treat.
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